Unwind The Chainsaw - Avenged Sevenfold

Letra Unwind The Chainsaw - Avenged Sevenfold

This one break your heart
But I just think it good
Cause I haven't try this hold this a sure
To save a there in you
For everything I do
But I would never want a come between us two

I keep your memories thing
You want feel bad about me
I say the thing this to say
Sometimes a with reminds me

And I won't thinking that
To what I said before
I hope you hard won't have to heard anymore
Cause between in all I say from here
Because the moment I can see you need
They keep you close to me my dear
And I have every to be to clear

And You gone away
Don't long leave it's OK
But you gone away
And you gone away
Sometimes I seize the day
But it never be realize seems
My mind replace

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Avenged Sevenfold

Unwind The Chainsaw

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Letra de la canción Unwind The Chainsaw de Avenged Sevenfold. Para más letras de canciones del artísta Avenged Sevenfold utiliza nuestro buscador. Letra de Unwind The Chainsaw - Avenged Sevenfold.